Sunday, June 29, 2014

Baby Noble

Baby Noble is 11 weeks old, almost 5 whole centimeters from head to bum, and has a strong, healthy heartbeat!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Word to the wise

Just a little bit of automotive advice....

Before hiring a mechanic, before bumming rides off of co-workers and ward members, before taking away your sister's access to a non-airconditioned vehicle for 2 weeks, before complaining to everyone about how inconvenient unexpected car troubles are, before buying a $560 fuel pump, and before you have your hired mechanic install that mechanical rip off under the back seat of your car....

Check to see if you are using the proper key. 

Such a simple task may require that you tear up your house in sheer frustration hoping you didn't accidentally throw your keys away like Chad did his wallet... It may shine light on the fact the Chad doesn't really have the special automotive touch that allows him to turn the car on and Rachel to not like he may have once thought.... And it may keep you up at night wondering why in the world you would ever have put the keys in the pantry with Nike's dog leash.... But it will save you $700. 

Trust me. It's worth it.