Thursday, April 24, 2014

I would highly recommend letting my people go...

I learned so much from studying the story of Moses and Pharaoh this week! Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to share it other than in a chart. But I still feel I need to give a little background to ensure that it makes sense. So here it goes... 

In Exodus Chapter 3, Moses asks Jehovah what to tell the people when they ask who sent him. Jehovah responds: "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me." A very odd name, you might ask? I think a little Spanish lesson comes in to play here. The Spanish verb 'estar' translated into English means 'to be.' In the every day usage of the Spanish language, the verb endings change to reflect whether or not the verb is referring to the past, present, or future, but the root word "est-" always stays the same. Now back to Moses. If God was speaking Spanish, I think he would have said something like this: "Tell them that 'estar' sent you." I think He would have used the non-conjugated verb, demonstrating the word's capacity for past, present, and future tenses. The English translation? "Tell them that 'I was, I am, and I will be' sent you." I think He's preparing the people to understand His eternal nature, as well as the role that He has played in their past (the Creator), His relationship to them in the present (their Savior), and the significance of His existence to their future (their Salvation)!

Keeping this is mind, I then did a study on the meaning of the 10 plagues. I mean, God could have chosen anything, so why lice and boils? To sum up my study (and the chart below), I discovered that Jehovah both defied Egypt's powerless Gods AND testified of Himself as the true omnipotent Creator and Savior through the use of those specific plagues. 

God is amazing! But that shouldn't surprise anybody. 

I recognize there are holes and stretches below, so any insight and thoughts would be helpful!

**A cleaner copy of this chart can be downloaded from Dropbox:

Egyptian Gods Defied
Symbolism of the Savior
The Creation “Undone”
Further Witnesses of the Savior for the Hebrews
Nile turned to blood
Apis- God of the Nile
Living Water
Blood of Atonement
Day 2- Separation of water
from land
Moses gets water for the thirsty Hebrews from a Rock
Heqet- Frog-headed God of birth/fruitfulness
Day 5- Creatures of the sea

Geb- God of Earth
Day 5&6- Every living thing

Re/Uatchit- depicted as flies
Khepri- God of rebirth & Creation
“You must be born again”
Jesus created the earth
(See the section to the right for more thoughts)
Day 5&6- Every living thing
(Note that man is given dominion over animals after the creation, but that man obviously has no control over the animals during these plagues)

Death of Livestock
Hathor/Apis- depicted as cattle
Food=Bread of Life
Beasts of burden=”Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden…”
Day 6- Land animals
The Hebrews are fed “bread of life” thru manna while in the wilderness
Sekhment, Sunu, Isis- Gods of Health and Disease
Jesus heals all manner of disease (Matt. 4:23-24)
Day 6- Man
Those who look on the raised up brass serpent are healed
(Note that the Lord commanded Moses to turn his rod into a serpent before the 1st plague)
Nut- Sky Goddess
Set- Storm God
Day 3- Dry land and plants
Led by God in a pillar of cloud by day
Osiris- God of crop fertility
Serapia- Protector from locusts
Day 3- Plants

3 days of darkness
Re- The Sun God
(also a symbol of Pharoah)
Light of the World;
3 hours of darkness associated with crucifixion
Day 1&4- Light from darkness; sun, moon, stars
Led by God in a pillar of fire by night (I also love how it says they had light in their houses during these 3 days of darkness)
Death of 1st Born
Isis- Protector of children
Heavenly Father sacrificed His first born son to save the rest of His children
Day 6- Man
Unblemished lamb’s blood saved the Hebrews